Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Day 42 - Wednesday Feb 8 at Sea Day 1

Day 42 photos

position at 7:30 am: S34:46:39 latitude E138:28:54 longitude
(1000 miles E of Albany, Australia, our next port)
temperature: 66F, 80% humidity, cloudy, breezy-60km/h headwind
distance since FLL: 14,639 miles

The day has started out overcast, rainy and slightly on the chilly side with some swells causing the ship to move some. The captain said in his 9am Vords of Visdom that we were leaving an area of low pressure and would later be in an area of high pressure. So, he expected the weather and seas to turn better this afternoon. We will see.

On currency conversions, we got 1.308 AUD per USD using an ATM. So, ATM's still give the best conversion rates.

Today was to be Tex-Mex lunch at the pool grill, but it was way too windy and cold. They moved the buffet into the starboard LaVeranda section as you enter the restaurant. It was good and they had both hamburger and chunky beef taco/burrito fillings. (The weather was so rough, the captain had the pool emptied because of the water splashing out on the deck.)

Debbie took in her morning exercise classes. After lunch, she took a nap and Clay did not wake her for her afternoon classes. So, she was about 5 minutes late to the first class. The rough seas continued through the evening.

When we got to Latitudes for our 6:30 reservation, Abigail said we had cancelled the reservation that afternoon. News to us! But she seated us at a table for two that had a reservation for 8:30 and figured we would be finished by that time. She was right. We got back to the cabin before 8, and looked at a DVD before turning in.

We set our clocks back a full hour this evening so it will be a long time before we eat again.

Day 42 photos