position at 7:00am: N14 08.10 latitude E49 7.30 longitude
(about 1530 miles SE of Safaga, Egypt our next port)
temperature: 80F, 93% humidity, cloudy
distance since FLL: 29,992 miles
We had an extra hour today because the hour time change last night. This made for a crowd on deck walking this morning. It was a little warmer than it has been, but it was still very pleasant.
It was a chocolate croissant day for breakfast and lunch. At lunch, they had a chocolate croissant pudding with chocolate ice cream. Debbie's eyes were spinning in her head.
No real news on this sea day. Debbie is still trying to shake a cough and slight fever. We did see Yemen a couple of times today off the starboard side. We expect to enter the straights at the mouth of the Red Sea around midnight or so, and should be in the Red Sea for the next few days. The seas have remain relatively calm making for a calm ship for the most part. We are doing 19+ knots so you can feel vibrations in La Veranda, but that's about it.
La Veranda was closed this evening (for some kind of special fucntion) so the only non-reservation meal choice was Compass Rose or room service. We had a quick meal in Compass Rose only getting a main course and dessert.
Just a note of Blackberry usage in Oman. In all ports, the Blackberry only had phone service. There was no data service (email, internet) available in either Muscat or Salalah, or in any of the territorial waters where there was local service available.
Sorry no pictures today.
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